Reset password

Reset or Change Your Password

If you need to reset or change your password, you can do so by using one of the following methods:

1. Reset password from Sign In page

  • Visit the Sign In page.

  • Click on 'forgot password'.

  • Enter your email address and click Submit, Reset, or Proceed. If your email is linked to a valid account, you'll receive an email with a reset link or OTP.

  • Open the email and click the reset link or enter the OTP if prompted.

  • Set a new password.

  • Click Submit, Reset, or Proceed to finalize the password reset process.

2. Reset password from settings (after signing in)

  • Go to Settings > Profile.

  • In the 'Update Password' section, enter your old password and a new password.

  • Click Submit, Reset, or Proceed to finalize the password update.

Troubleshoot: Unable to reset password?

  • Not receiving Email: Make sure the email address matches the one you registered with.

  • Invalid Password (Sign In page): Verify that the password is the same as the one you used during registration or the last reset.

  • Invalid Password (Settings page): Ensure the new password is at least 6 characters long.

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