
This article provides a detailed explanation of how the Posters in 'Cloodot reviews' functions.

Create a review poster using preset designs

From review card

To access all reviews, go here.

Step 1 - Click "Make a social poster" button on the review that you want to share.

You will now see a preview of the review poster in the canvas like shown above. You could either share the poster directly to a social media of your choice or download a copy to manually share the poster.

Step 2 A (Share directly) - Click on the Share button (*1) to download and share the review poster.

Step 2 B (Download and share manually)- Click on the format button (*2) to view available formats/dimensions.

Step 3 - Select an appropriate format/dimension from the list.

Step 5 - Click on the download button (*3) to download and share the review poster.

From posters page

The posters page allows you to create attractive posters from reviews, which can be published on various social platforms to enhance your business's visibility.

To access posters, go here.

Step 1 - Select a location of your choice using location selector.

Step 2 - Select a review from the reviews list.

Step 3 - Select a design that you like. You will see a preview of the review poster in the canvas above.

Step 4 - Click on the format button to view available formats/dimensions.

Step 5 - Select an appropriate format/dimension from the list.

Step 6 - Click on the download button to download and share the review poster.

Create a custom design review poster

This functionality is currently under development.

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Cloodot Reviews