
To access Locations settings,

  1. Navigate to the Settings page on your account.

  2. Click Locations from settings menu items or click here.

Under the Locations settings, you may:

  • View: Access the information of connected locations.

  • Add: Include additional locations.

  • Delete: Remove existing connections.

Edit connected locations

This functionality is currently under development.

Add more locations

To add more locations, click on the + Add location button situated at the top right corner of the Locations settings page. A new connections wizard will open up with list of all connections available under the integrated Google account. If you wish to change the integrated Google account, refer "How to change the integrated Google account" section below.

To add/connect new locations on Cloodot reviews:

  • From the list, select the locations you wish to connect.

  • Note: Previously added connections will not be visible by default.

  • After selecting, click the Connect button at the bottom of the wizard.

Delete connected locations

This functionality is currently under development.

How to change the integrated Google account

Please click here and follow on screen instructions to change the integrated Google account.

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Cloodot Reviews