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Cloodot Reviews Dashboard Guide

This guide details all the buttons and menu options available on the Cloodot reviews dashboard:


  1. Analytics: Provides insights into the performance of your reviews and review requests, helping you understand customer engagement and satisfaction levels.

  2. Reviews: Displays reviews from selected locations, allowing you to monitor feedback across different areas of your business.


  1. Review Request Button: Enables you to send review requests to customers via text, helping you gather valuable feedback efficiently.

  2. Review Requests: Shows detailed information about review requests you've sent, including the recipient's name, email, phone number, the date sent, and their open and click status.

  3. Contacts: Lists details of individuals who have interacted with your business, either through submitting reviews or by engaging with your microsite or review showcase widgets.


  1. Poster: Allows you to create attractive posters from reviews, which can be published on various social platforms to enhance your business's visibility.

  2. Widgets: Provides a widget for showcasing reviews on your website, enhancing credibility and trust among site visitors.

  3. Microsite: A dedicated mini website that aggregates all your reviews and business information into one comprehensive overview, enhancing visibility for potential customers and improving SEO.

Help and Settings

  1. Settings: Manage your account settings and preferences to ensure the dashboard meets your specific needs.

  2. Organisation Switcher: Switch between different organizations or business units under your control, allowing for streamlined management across multiple entities.


  1. Profile: Access and update your profile settings or log out from the dashboard.

  2. Help Chat: An AI-powered chatbot available to assist with any platform-related queries, ensuring you can always find help when needed.

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Cloodot Reviews