
Monitor and respond to reviews

This article provides a detailed explanation of how the Reviews monitoring in 'Cloodot reviews' operates. To monitor reviews, go here.

The reviews segment displays reviews from selected locations, allowing you to monitor feedback across different areas of your business.

  1. Location selector: By default, reviews from all locations are displayed. You can filter results to show reviews from specific locations only.

  2. Review type tabs: To efficiently manage and view reviews based on specific categories, you can utilize the following filters in our system:

    • All: This filter allows you to view all reviews without any specific categorization.

    • Critical: Select this to view reviews that are negative or require urgent attention. Comprises of 1, 2, and 3 stars reviews that include comments.

    • Haven't replied: Use this filter to see reviews to which no response has been made yet.

    • Replied: This filter shows all the reviews that have already been addressed or replied to.

    Each filter is designed to streamline your review management process, making it easier to respond appropriately and maintain high customer satisfaction.

  3. Name of review location: Indicates the location name to which the review has been posted to.

  4. Review reply text box: Click on the designated text box to start composing your reply to the customer's review. Ensure the response is thoughtful and addresses any concerns raised. After composing, click the "reply" button to post your response.

  5. Replied by info: Shows the name of the person who replied to the review for personalization and accountability.

  6. Review date: Displays the publication date of the review.

  7. Sort order: To sort reviews in either ascending or descending order based on the date of publishing. This helps in prioritizing responses to the most recent or oldest reviews, as needed.

How to reply to a review?

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Cloodot Reviews